Declaration of My Amends
i can't always live in the moment. i can't always believe my actions happen because of how i feel at that moment. i can't always be sure of my feelings for they do change daily; a part of human nature, i now see that. i've made many mistakes through out my life because i strongly believed that i should live in the moment. as i become older, i see that my destiny is not made of living in the moment but of my values, beliefs, and dreams. So here i am, making amends with myself so at the end of my destiny, I will feel good as a woman, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a lover, and a mother.
As long as I live, I vow to think twice about and reevaluate everything daily. You know the saying that you've heard once or several times in your life, "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." Will the mistakes in your life be any good if you don't think about them?
Minutes are as important as days, I vow to sacrifice my minutes to my loved ones. For they have given me my life. All unreplied emails will be replied, due visits will be made, and plans will go through. Life is too short for love to be under appreciated.
Existence of my being is a privilege, I vow to respect my mentality, spirituality, and physicality. I will seek for the places of happiness. I will only receive and let go of peaceful energy. I will assure that my body is valued. You live only once, do it well.
No goodness, no greatness, I vow to do good things. I will always make sure that I do something good daily. All great things are created by good things that I do. Thomas Jefferson once said, "I am a greatest believer of luck. I find that the harder I work, the more I have of it."
Dare to be brave, I vow to spend most of my life walking. Dreams and Happiness happen because I walk. I must not be afraid. I must not set back. I must not run away. I must not hide. I must walk and get things done. Does the flower grow if you sit on the pot?
So, we know life is full of mistakes, I vow to always try. If on any day I fail any of these amends above, I will not give up. For the sake of changes and betterment, I will always try. As once told by someone, "The only constant thing is change."
Freedom is not the absence of commitments, but the ability to choose - and commit myself to - what is best for me.
Paulo Coelho