Friday, April 30, 2010

nostalgia gives life to hope

nostalgia exists so that
we still have hope
believe in hope
wish for one

Sunday, April 25, 2010

22nd year

Amanda Lily, this is for you and for all good things that you have done for me...
As I get older, I become more appreciative with the idea of celebrating one's birthday. Mainly it is because of you and the family. As there are around 2k miles in the distance between you and me, I now look at birthdays as a wonderful way to appreciate special people's existence.

You are special and always will be--it'd explain all those years of being over protective of you or helping you clean up the mess (remember laundry soap or money running out at cm7, lol)

Because of you and how I love your presence/existence, I will always celebrate birthdays or look at birthdays as something very special for every individual.

Happy Birthday, Amanda, my baby sister.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

sad truth?

In every phenomenon
the beginning remains always the most notable moment.
- Thomas Carlyle

Thursday, April 15, 2010

19's a youthful number

nineteen, back then, felt like getting older.

5 years later, did this number 19 mean as much as turning into 24?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

my thought for today

see the world in 360 degree, you should! 

true, it is hard to do so by yourself -- i forgot how to do that last year but because of her, i regained the ability to do so. world's a beautiful place even on your bad day only if you have the ability to see it. 

be with people who make things real--who put you in many perspectives. this is one of the most selfless actions a person can do for other. 

it's true, all you need is love
the beatles was right
time or place knows no solitude if you got
something called love next to you

i tell to john lennon, a former Beatles,
that love comes in all forms and all shapes
i found something called love in Jemez,
my puppy, who, on one Friday afternoon, I decided to adopt.
If it takes a lot of words to say what you have in mind,
give it more thought.
- Dennis Roch

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It is not you that I refuse
But the memories that I long to avoid
They are reminders of what you may be
They unfold the truth of what may happen between you and I
It is not you that I refuse