Do not be deceived by the look of a person's beauty
it stands out, it takes your breath away,
it makes you wonder and it makes her mysterious
it is wondrous and she is mysterious for a reason
that we do not know until we taste the beauty
and savor it, you will see more truth
in savoring it, you will see that it is never an innocent one
and that it can lure you into anything for it is powerful
and suddenly, you are under her spell
do not write about her beauty, do not sing about her beauty,
it has endured everything to claim the title and it'll never be for you
as she will do everything to be beautiful in the eyes of everyone
Do fall in love with one's beautiful soulit stands out in its most hidden way, it is breathtaking
it makes you feel rare, it makes her the most beautiful one
it is rare and she is beautiful for a reason
that we do not know until we know that person thoroughly
and be there, you will see more fortunates of life
and in being there, you will see it is the most precious
and that it can bring you to the top of the world
and suddenly, you are holding one of life's gems
do write about her beautiful soul, do sing about her beauty,
it has come out from its hiding place, and it'll be only for you
as she has shown its hidden beauty to only your eyes.