ever since i turned 18, it had been a wild ride for me and the ride is slowing down hence the reason for the ability to recognize that it has been a wild one.
the ride has involved words of love, moments of "once in a lifetime," tales of woes, bumps of struggles, trips to beautiful places, tears of joy and frustration, triumph of hardworking, days of failures, and surprises of life.
all of that is a testament of how the moments in our life are. It's full of everything---from little thing to the biggest thing, from the most saddest one to the most happiest one...basically in other words, life's full of balance.
On the left, it shows lines of life...as you can see--the lines are not rigid. the width & length of lines varies, so are the positions of these lines. isnt that like life in a general concept?
on the right, you can see two people kissing. there are some areas around it that are smeared. it doesn't show but you can feel the energy like you can see both people are hugging each other although it is not visible or presented in the picture. isn't that like moments in our life?
Our life changes constantly. Our moments appear, after they happen, they disappear but we all know that they exist. Isn't it a work of balance? Like black and white. Good and bad. Joy and Angry. Love and Heartbroken. Happy and Miserable. With one exists, another one exists anyways. For it is life.
it'd be a beautiful reminder on my body.
i like :) - janna