$3 a night. A beautiful sight of the plains as the mountains overcast from the behind. That cost, $3, includes numerous tests of patience as well.
Background: We wanted to go to the southernmost of New Mexico to go camping in warm temperature right after we finish working 3pm on Friday.
Test of Patience #1: approx. 9pm to 10pm
With Albuquerque as a stopover, the drive to Aquirre Springs National Recreation Area, 14 miles from Las Cruces, took us around 4 and half hour of drive. It was already around 9pm that we arrived only to find out that Aquirre Springs were closed with the gates cletched.
It was very dark and we were tired from long drive, it was already late...at that point, we had no choice but we had to be at the campground somehow.
That was the first test of patience. She asked me, "What you think if I drove around the gate on grass?" We had no choice and not a risk-taker type here but I just had to let it happen. And we drove 4x4 around it all right..and onward to the campground, we went with adneraline rush still running inside us.
Test of Patience #2: approx. 12am to 5am
Everything was so cold. I could not even sleep at all. I was shivering nonstop. We did not bring enough blankets. There was barely any sleep for anyone, even Jemez who could not stop barking to all the strange sounds outside. It was her first time camping and sleeping in a tent.
That morning after, we had our nap as the sun shone upon us. Then we headed to Walmart to buy 2 more sleep bags to enjoy another night, a problem solved.
Test of Patience #3: approx. 7am
After the night of being so cold and shivering; fire right away after I get out of the tent sounded ideal. I tried countless times to lit the wood. It was still windy in the morning. With sun peeking, I just made myself comfortable on the ground and kept on trying. It was eventually lit and we had a nice fire that later would make our breakfast burrito.
Test of Patience #4: approx. late 6pm
It had gone dark, fast just like that. We hadn't eaten our dinner yet. I never could see good in dark or night time. We had our steak, gorgonza cheese, and aspargus ready to be cooked.
We lit the fire then waited for it to be at its peak. As it looked perfect, we put steak ans aspargus powdered with pepper and garlic salt. We allowed it to be cooked slowly. It was probably nearly 8pm.
As it was soon to be done, gorogonza was added on the top of steak. In few minutes, aspargus looked perfect and so did the steak. The first taste was savored because it, indeed, tasted perfect although it was already 8pm and it took a hour to cook.
to be continued...
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